Opening hours and Entrance Fees

Opening hours

Saterday from: 11:00 AM – 5:00 PM
Sunday from : 01.00 AM – 17.00 PM
and by appointment 031 33 465 1617

The National Gallery is closed on Dutch national holidays.

Gallery closed on:



The National Gallery Color House is located in Color House. It is a modern, detached building in the Beekdal park in Amersfoort. It is known for her unique architectural design and many colours. The Building is one of the art works by artist Juane Xue. It is exuberant and enjoyable to stay in the beautiful colorful world of Juane.
This combination of National Gallery  and Color House attracts many visitors from all over the world.



National gallery Color House considers accessibility to all visitors important and is therefore easily accessible for wheelchairs, rollators, strollers. There is a disabled toilet.